Your love life doesn’t have any quick fixes, but if you are nervous about dating and want some advice – we’ve got you covered. Here are five of our best tried and true dating tips for your next foray into love.
For more advice, we also have articles on First Date Tips and Dating on a Budget

1 – Don’t be Afraid to Get Help
The internet is a wonderful place and it has made many things easier for us – communication, entertainment, and dating. Don’t let the myriad of online dating sites overwhelm you, consider looking into a dating service that can streamline the process and help you actually get out on dates.
2 – Think About What you Need and What you are Expecting
Who are you? What do you enjoy? If you a someone who enjoys eating healthy and working out, does it make sense to date someone who hates the gym? Make sure you lay your values out in the beginning, tell your partner the things you absolutely can’t compromise on, and stick to your guns, otherwise you could both end up miserable.
3 – Be Confident
The number one thing both men and women find attractive is confidence. Stop worrying about being too fat, too short, or too anything, they probably aren’t worried about it so you shouldn’t be either.
4 – Make a Good First Impression
It only takes about 12 minutes to decide if you’re interested in a person, so make the time count. Make eye contact, smile, and focus on what your date is saying. Don’t be afraid to evaluate your own feelings. It can be easy to get caught up in impressing your date without knowing if you even want the date to continue.
5 – Don’t Give Up
It can be easy to let a few failed experiences affect you but don’t take it too personally. You need to crack a few eggs to make an omelet so don’t give up just yet. Take each date as a learning experience. Remember that your next long-term relationship might be just around the corner.