Sometimes it can feel like we are the only ones with issues dating, that it must be our fault. The reality is dating can be messy for anyone, and it’s best just to pick yourself up and try again. Here is a collection of stories from people we have worked with previously, shared with their permission.
For more advice, we also have articles on Dating on a Budget and First Date Tips

Making Bank
On my first date with Marcia, I had to stop by the bank to drop off a check, and she said she wouldn’t mind waiting. The lady behind the desk was taking quite a while so Marcia asked if I would mind if she waited in the car. I told her “No problem,” and she rushed towards the exit. On the way out she crashed right into a glass wall inside the bank, it was bad. She stayed down with her hands covering her head – I ran from the teller and pulled her hands back. Her face was a bruised and bloody mess and she was tearing up.
The damage wasn’t enough to call an ambulance but we rushed out the door (leaving my check with the lady at the counter) and I drove her to the nearest walk-in clinic. We waited 2 hours to see the doctor, and thankfully nothing was broken or seriously damaged. I took Marcia home and as we were walking up the front steps she slipped and landed on her bare knees. I ended up carrying her inside and applying anti-bacterial cream and band-aids to her legs. I’m not sure if it was just a particularly klutzy day for her or what, but we were married 3 years later so I’ll chalk it up to a happy accident.
– Richard T.
Lonely Lisa
When I got my first job after University, I ran into a girl at work – let’s call her Lisa. She was very strange and shy, and I would often catch her staring at me when she thought I wasn’t looking. I didn’t think much of it – a crush, I was flattered even. Around this time things started disappearing from my desk – little things that I didn’t think much of at the time, my spare toothbrush, my stress ball, I figured it was just the work of an overenthusiastic janitor. Lisa didn’t show up for work one day and rumor spread quickly that she was fired but no one could confirm why.
One day I got a call from her asking if I wanted to get together, I agreed, but she stood me up. This happened 2 more times before I started ignoring her calls, once she even mailed me a letter. I couldn’t understand why she seemed so interested but would then stand me up. Eventually, she stopped trying, I found out later that she was fired because she was living out of her office and stealing things from the coworkers plus she was harassing one of the other men from work. I guess I got off easy with Lisa – according to the other guy she stalked him for almost a year before giving up.
– Anonymous
Putting the “Fun” in Funeral
So I met this guy through a mutual friend (we’ll call him Tim), and I agreed to go out with him the Tuesday after next. I thought a Tuesday evening was an odd night for a date, but I wasn’t exactly looking to marry the guy, just have a little fun. I spent the whole week prepping for this date (it had been a while) – I bought a sexy new dress, got a wax, the works.
Tim gave me the address of the restaurant where he wanted me to meet him and I took a cab. When we arrived I thought I was in the wrong place, it was a residential road, no restaurant in sight. The cab was already gone so I called my date and he said he would be right there. When he stepped outside of the house I caught on, okay – dinner at his place, a little presumptuous, but I felt comfortable and went inside.
This is when it got weird, there were about 20-30 people in the house, all looking very solemn and sad. So after about 5 minutes, I realized the truth, this was a wake. Here I was in my new red mini dress, and I was crashing a funeral. I later found out that it wasn’t even a relative or friend of Tim’s that had died, he had been invited by a family friend and decided to take a date. I made my excuses as quickly as possible and left. Our mutual friend never mentioned the disastrous date, I never heard from Tim again, and I certainly didn’t call him.
– Anonymous